Sunday, March 2, 2008

Proton R3 2nd Edition - Proton Gen2

Talking about Proton Gen2,...
i have a bad feeling about this car,

firstly, this is a car they make MOU between proton and lotus, (after proton buy some lotus share holder)...

secondly i heard some problem...ECU programing, tuning, torque, and few sudden problem...

third,...hmmm the design look weird but maybe just the beginning of new proton car's era...

but after several years...its become a favorite car...who knows...

This the Gen2 car, proton used for MME racing (Mardeka Millenium Endurence)
the race will start on august 29-31 every year since 2005 if i not mistaken...

i heard the tuning up to 140hp from 110hp factory setting...
new setting including manifold-ekzos system-lighten body weight and rims-ECU reprogram-car balancing-and many more...

Veru familiar gear knob...same as satria GTi R3

Ekzos look like original, but its already tuning...

Fresh picture of Gen2 dashboard...

and this picture from back...

nice ah...

this one , illustrated taken from paultan blog...hmmm...

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