Thursday, June 5, 2008

Grand Livina latest news......

Hari khamis , 1mgu b4 cuti sekolah24 mei...kami saje sembang2 ngan few of my friends ...nak buat satu kelab /team la konon...pah tu buat trip using that team...

at last, dapat satu idea ...we are using that 'Team Grand Motosports' dan bernombor siri...
b4 trip, we decide to order t-shirt for the team...
than semuanya berjalan lancar...

001 sia punya nombor siri ah...jangan kasau ba...

gambar bawah nie durang panggil air press...kat kedai aksesori...

Baru nampak matang sikit...skirt complete set baru pasang...
hmmm...ape lagi yer...

gambar nie di ambil masa di sepilok...

comey sikit ader skirt full set tu...tapi gambau blur sikit...amik mase dah nak gelap...

1 comment:

waraze said...

En Mukhsin tak masuk Mylivina Club ke?. For more infi dekat
or club official forum di